Tame your Tension!
Melt Muscular Pain with the Use of Therapy Balls 
Sunday, July 27, 9:00-10:30 am
Cost: $50 (includes a set of Yoga Tune Up® therapy balls)
Limited Space – RSVP to laura@yoga-tonic.com
Learn specific techniques to instantly roll out tension, break dysfunctional movement patterns, and provide valuable insight into your own anatomical architecture with the Yoga Tune Up® Therapy Balls.
These easy and effective self-massage techniques will provide you with tools to reduce and/or eliminate pain and prevent injuries from the top of your head to the bottom of your baby toe.
A regular self-care practice helps to keep you in the game – whatever that may be, and augments your yoga and other movement practices.
Plan to leave this workshop feeling revitalized and happier!
Join Laura Peskoe, MSW, E-RYT as you uncover your Body’s Blind Spots – areas that have gone underused, overused, misused or just downright abused, and take your pain into your own hands. Laura has been practicing yoga since the early 1990′s and teaching since 2001. Diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1999, she understands how pain can impact your life.
No yoga experience required. All levels of fitness and experience welcome!